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Showing posts from February, 2018
A real breakthrough with meditation                 Last week I posted an article that I had written in April of last year.   In it, I explained how my new journey in meditation was going and described what I thought of as a breakthrough.   In it, I explained that I had started with only a few breathing cycles and was building up duration and was up to 3 minutes.   I was really proud of myself, and I had every right to be.   Now, almost a year later, still working on improving my meditation I had what I can sincerely describe as a true breakthrough.                 I am currently up to 12 minutes almost every morning.   If I am unable to meditate before my girls are up and my opportunity for focus has evaporated, I take the time to meditate at the office.   I sit on my adjusting table and do the same t...

My Break-through with Meditation

*Note:   This was written in April of 2017.   I will post the update to this next week. I have been contributing to this non-existent blog, knowing that in due time I will actually need content for a blog.   I have been trying to meditate for about 3 months now and I have found some struggles with it.   I know I need to take a class and will do so likely before I actually publish this entry, but as it is I am self-guided in my meditative journey.   Three months ago I had read that just 5 minutes to start will be a good beginning.   For the next week, I decided I was going to practice meditation (or what I understood as meditation) at 5 minutes a time each morning.   I did it and it seemed fine, but it was hard to quiet my mind and I stopped for about a week.   I hadn’t given up, however.   I was listening to a podcast and the guest explained that some find 5 minutes to be too much at first and that you can literally start with 3...
My Lesson from watching High School Gymnastics                 This last week I got to bring my 3 oldest daughters to watch the Elk River gymnastics team compete against Moorhead.  I have watched gymnastics on television and watched my children participate in child gymnastics, but I had never taken the opportunity to watch talented athletes participate without the magic of editing and choosing what to and what not to show.  The Elks did a fantastic job, and aside from my 5-and 4-year-olds becoming too tired to continue, we had a very enjoyable time.                 There was an incident, however, during the vault.  One of the girls missed the spring-board and slammed into the vault chest-first.  She was clearly shaken, and her shoulder was sore.  Her coach and her mother (who happened to be sitting right beh...