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Woes of the Weekend Warrior

                You don’t have to worry about this micro-trauma crap, right?  You pick up heavy objects 4 days a week and participate in tough mudder and run a 10k every weekend, so you’re obviously in too good of shape to need to worry about this.  Micro-trauma is to be worried about by the obese guy who sits in his cubicle all day.  … Right?

                Maybe… Maybe you move enough throughout the day.  Maybe you are perfectly mindful of your posture.  Maybe you have escaped what many people have experienced, so far.  Realistically, (if you’ve read any pieces from my blog in the past you know this) there is a cross-section of the population whom I believe don’t required chiropractic care weekly, or even monthly, (or even at all?) to live a good, long, healthy life.  I think everyone can benefit from chiropractic, but there are many who can live great lives without chiropractic care and I’m not arrogant (ignorant?) enough to claim otherwise.  People in the construction field, farmers, elite athletes… those who spend almost zero time sitting on the average day, eat well, and are lucky enough to not be injured could realistically not have many back complaints or issues arise from a bad back.  Ironically, a lot of people who seek chiropractic care are those that fit in that demographic.  Someone “tweaks their back” on the job one day, goes to the chiropractor (the back doctor) and realizes just how important spinal health is to their livelihood. 
                We’ve discussed previously what some of the risks are of sitting all day.  It sneaks up on you.  Unlike the tires on your car, you can’t see the treadwear pattern of your back.  You don’t know what you’re dealing with until it becomes a problem.  Where the fit office employee falls into this, they put a lot more miles on their tires than the guy in the next cubicle who moves for 2 hours a day total.  So while the other guy may not live as long, the guy trying to counter his work lifestyle tends to face issues the other one doesn’t.  Here’s a fun “would you rather” I’ve alluded before:  would you rather live to be 70, not worry about your life choices and keel over from a heart attack…never having to experience the elderly lifestyle… or would you rather live to be 117, but for the last 30 years of your life you are physically infirmed…wheelchair bound and unable to care for yourself for the last 3 decades of your life…
Jeanne Calment is the oldest verified person to ever live (1875-1997) at 122 years

                I’ve become much more aware of my mortality this past year and realized the shortness of life in the grand scheme.  My fear of death is abating as I am diving deep into a lot of stuff on spirituality, but I still want to live a long life.  I want to see the year 2100 (legit) and be there for my family as long as possible.  I want to work as a chiropractor into my 80s if not longer, so I understand the motivation behind the “weekend warrior”.  But if by living your lifestyle, you’re more likely to experience injury which could realistically result in the rest of your life being wrought with pain and the inability to do what you want, you need to make choices to help you. 
Yoga (another demographic that needs chiropractic less, but tend to utilize it more) is a great way to keep your spine moving well and I recommend it to all of my patients.  Eating healthy, not smoking (dehydrates the discs in your spine), keeping your emotional stress levels down, and moving throughout the day are the toothbrushing of spinal hygiene…yoga is flossing.  But you need to see a specialist to keep your spine moving well.  By moving well, you can eliminate issues that stem from your nerves being irritated: headaches, anxiety, immune function, digestive function (heartburn/bloating/constipation), and even reproductive health.  Basically, if you fall into the category of someone who is making great physical and nutritional health decisions, you’ll benefit further from seeking chiropractic care to help tie it all together and keep you living your best life.


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